Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine heart in Mathematics

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Heart surface as shown in the picture is given by Sextic equation which is also given in the picture. This picture is taken from  wolfram mathworld website. This is the way mathematician celebrate valentine day! Lol!

Mardi Gras 2012 @ Hattiesburg

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A video during the Mardi gras Parade in Hattiesburg, MS

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

40 feet long fish!!!

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Reports said that Pakistani Fisherman found a 40 Feet long shark (Size of school bus) about 150 km far from the city of Karachi . Cranes took several hours to pull the Shark out of the water. Here are some photos of the Giant Fish. Picture are taken from MSNBC photoblog.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

3D Printer

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पिज्जा खान मन लाग्यो ? अब कम्प्युटर मा नै पिज्जा डिजाईन गर्नुस् वा अनलाइन पिज्जा डाउनलोड गर्नुस्, 3D प्रिन्टर मा प्रिन्ट गर्नुस् र मज्जाले खानुहोश । साथीलाई घडी पठाइदिनु पर्‍यो ? स्क्यान गरेर पठाइदिनुहोस् , साथीले प्रिन्टर मा प्रिन्ट गरिहाल्छनी! सुन्दा हाबाकुरा जस्तो लगेपनी यो अब असम्भव नै भने हैन है ! आर्टिफिसियल उत्पादन अथवा 3D प्रिन्टरको सफल बैज्ञानीक परिक्षण् समेत भाईसकेको छ ! हेर्नुस् यो TED को Presentation